TOOTH GEMS Starting at $50

Live By The Sword offers Swarovski crystal tooth gems starting at only $50! Other available gems are reasonably priced in an assortment of crystals, opals, gold, and white gold. Application is perfectly safe, non-invasive, no drilling required and on average lasts about 1 year, or until removed by your dental professional. Tooth gems cannot be applied to artificial tooth surfaces.
Tooth gems are recommended to be placed on the front row of teeth since they are flatter and can help the tooth gem remain secure.
TOOTH GEMS Price Guide
Looking for gems other than Swarovski crystals? View the price guide below to see our full available selection.
Crystal Tooth Gems $50-80
Opal Tooth Gems $80
Gold Tooth Gems $150
One Crystal + One Gold Gem $175
Two Gold Gems $250
Tooth Gem Curation - $100 Minimum